Wednesday 18 December 2019

summer learning Journey day 2

I am from NZ

and my family is from NZ

my family is special to me

I can not speak any language

Monday 16 December 2019

summer learning journey day 1

1. chocolate bar

2. apple

3. orange

4. pineapple

5. water

6. cookies

7. orange juice

8.  chips

9. strawberries

10. candy

today my class is doing summer learning journey day 1.we did an activity to do write down 10 food resources that we write it down if we went on a boat for 3 weeks. it was a bit hard because I had to choose food.

Wednesday 4 December 2019


today my class did Summer Learning Journey and there was a quiz and we had to find as much information we can about Lorde.

A Women lives in van with 320 rats

today we did Kiwi kids news we had to find article that we like. I had to read about the article and do questions on this slide. I felt it was challenging because there wasn't that much writing. and there was not enough questions to.