Thursday 2 July 2020

The story of the guy that went fishing

Once upon a time, there was a guy that went fishing. One day he got something on the line and when he tried to pull the line up he could not. And then he got something on his other line so he got his friend to get out of bed and get it but he can not pull it up so they got the electric winch and they got their diver suits on in swim down. What they sore were a submarine and not just any submarine a nuclear submarine. They hooked it up and they pulled it and they got it to surface. they went on to it and what they store was Madness it wasn't a torpedo because there was no hole it was a virus. All of the crew was dead so they put their masks on and the masks can save them from the Virus. they follow the bodies and they found the Torpedo room and it was dripping into the Torpedo and it started hissing they ran because it is made it into the torpedo it will blow up. It was blowing up but they made it out and he was looking around for his friend but his friend was dripping with blood and his boat was sinking but there was a little dinghy lift. He got in it and there was shark chasing him but not just a shark a nuclear shark and he was heading to the coast and there was a milk factory he jumped out of the boat shark was following the boat. And the shark went strat into the milk factory but the shark was still alive and he got eaten up but he started choking and he was alive he could breathe in the water but when he whet on the 
Land everything went on him and he was stuck to the bottom of the sea forever.

The end.