Friday 26 February 2021

Facts about Belgium


My hobby's


Today my class had to do our blog contract and we got to choose and I chose writing about my hobbies and these are mine. the one thing I liked about it was writing about me because would like to show you what I do. the one thing I did not like about it was that I could not put that much stuff in my art but when I think about it I think I have enough.

Thursday 25 February 2021

My poem about the summer


Today my class did a poem and we got to choose a season and I picked summer and I liked doing this because summer is my best season. the one thing I did not like was that we had to do another poem but then I liked doing it in the end.

This is my motorbike


Today my class had to do a poem and this is my poem and I liked doing it because I like to do this south.
the one thing I did not like about it was choosing the thing I would write about because I want to write about lots of things.

Monday 15 February 2021

What we did in the weekend

 In the Weekends I went to Christchurch. I went to Christchurch because my Dad was racing his car at Scope and my brother went over with him three days earlier. When I and my mum got to Christchurch we had to get a gas bottle and after that, we went to the track. When we got there my Dad was about to race so we watched him and my mum's friend that gave us a ride she wanted to see him race too so she came and watched. After that, she went to her motel. Then we packed up and I and my brother and my Dad went out for diner and my mum went to 660. the next day we got up and I was not feeling well because I had a big diner last night so at breast I only had one pancake. Then we went to the track and it was another boring day just watching races and after all of them we packed up and went out for diner. When diner was getting ready me and my brother went on the scooters and after we had diner and went back to the motel and went to sleep. We got up the next day at 9.00pm and went to the mall and I got some new shoes so did my brother and then we got lunch and then my Dad picked us up and we went home.

Today my class had to write about what they did in the weekend and this is what I did. I liked doing it because it is fun to write about you and what you did on the weekends. The one thing that I did not like about is when I first did it it was a big story and I rushed it and it did not make sense so this is my second one but anyway I got it done and that is what matters. 

Thursday 4 February 2021

Kawa of care number 3


Today my class did Kawa of care and we had to pick a number out of a hat and I got number 3 so I had to write about the topic and my topic was do as much work on your cromebook as you can because if you do you get smarter. I liked it because it reminded me of the Kawa of care and keeping my Chromebook safe. The one thing that I didn't like about doing this is that I had ad curler into it because I did not want to and I could not think of any over curler. If you don't know about the Kawa of care it is a prow gram that you sine to keep your cromebook safe.