Tuesday 13 April 2021

My poem

 bird - catcher

bird - eater

mess - maker

couch - hogger

food - eater

Today my class did a poem and this is what I did and I liked doing this because it is fun to do and you have to guess what this is about. The thing that was hard and that was thinking about what I was going to do. 


  1. Hello Taj Pitara here from Glenbrae school I enjoyed reading your kenning poem. I still can't figure out what animal your talking about but keep the good mahi!

  2. Hi Taj, Maria here from Glenbrae School,
    I'm so enjoying your kenning poem. This certain animal is very hard to figure. I can't wait for the next poem;)

    - Maria

  3. Hello Taj my name is Taijah from Glenbrae school and I am impressed with your blog post about your poem keep up the great job:)


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