Friday 22 May 2020

letter to past self

Letter to past self

Hi, past self I like sport I have a brother his name is jari he is 2 minutes older than me. My best food is food. I like playing soccer at school with my friends. I don’t go outside that much because of coved19. I have a dog it is a girl its name is jess and it is a bord koly we have 10 acres so she will be happy and if you read this you should go to the shop and by bred and make a sandwich. the job that i mite do is being a race car driver and i like doing hunting with my uncle and my grandad.

today my class did a letter to past and I liked it because it was fun to do it and when I read this I do not know what I am going to fell like. the thing that was challenging was doing the typing because I do not like doing it. 

1 comment:

  1. hi taj i like how you have introgosed your dog and what you want to do mabe next time you can say somthing about what you do at soccer.


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