Friday 16 October 2020

information about good sports man ship

brain dump

They will not swear on the field and they treat the over players good and they help their teammates if they are not ok and if you are the captain of the team you can make a complaint to the ref and they will sort it out. If you be a good player and do lots of taking you mite get the player of the day and you will get a trophy and that is good because the coach of the team will be proud of you. And a good sportsman would listen and they would relate to others.

today my class had to do a brain dump about good sportsmanship. A brain dump is when you get all your information and write it down and this is what I wrote down for my brain dump and the hard thing was putting a lot of things down because I think I have put as much as information as I could. The funny thing was that I play sport and I know a lot of things.

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